The Shaman's Path

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Learning to Journey

Hello to my return journeyers. A warm welcome to my semi-constant journeyers. And, a very special welcome to my new journeyers.

I am so glad you’re here.

Journeying is the practice of entering an altered state of consciousness to work with ordinarily hidden aspects of consciousness. Sometimes, the altered state of consciousness is referred to as a journey state, trance state or the Shamanic State of Consciousness (SSC).

The journey state can be accessed in several ways. In some traditions, the use of plant medicine supports the disentangling of the soul from the conscious mind. From this place, the Soul is free to explore non-ordinary reality – possibly seeking answers to spiritual queries or seeking healing. Drumming and rattling are other ways in which the trance state can be accessed.

It is important to acknowledge that shamanism is animistic – meaning that all things have a soul or essence. This means that the drum and the rattle have an essence or soul. The relationship between the Shaman and the drum or the Shaman and the medicine is a vital part of shamanic healing work.

Kriket always said, “the drum never lies.” I’ve found this to be true when journeying for myself and journeying for others. I have also found it to be true that there are many trips and traps that our conscious mind can set that can be both frustrating when journeying and beneficial in learning to trust our Self and intuition. Learning to trust my intuition is a gift that shamanic journeying has brought to me many times over.

Today, I want to share with you a few things that I found helpful in the beginning while I was learning to journey:

  • You do not need to be a Shaman to enter an altered state of consciousness. Human beings have the innate capacity to dream, to imagine, to sense, and to explore. Shamanic journeying is a practice and a skill that, with dedication, can be developed.

  • You do need a clear intention. When journeying, intention is essential. Intention begins with opening sacred space (more on this later) and includes your focus for the journey. Ensure that your space can be uninterrupted for the duration of your journey and for a brief integration period after the journey culminates.

  • Direct your focus to what is happening instead of what you think or expect should be happening.

  • When the journey ends, remember to offer your gratitude and thanks. This is an important aspect of learning to be in relationship with Spirit and helping Spirits.

  • Write out your journey. If you’re like me and have lost the art of fine printing, you can type and save them for review later. Dedicate time to making meaning and drawing connections.

  • Take time in the coming days to follow the information that was provided to you by Spirit. If you’ve journeyed with me, you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say, “Spirit gave you homework.”

  • If you find journeying with the drum or rattle challenging, start with a Spirit Walk in Nature. Try to leave the technology behind and focus on what is all around you.

  • It is important to practice journeying regularly. In the beginning, I journeyed while rocking my newborn in her serene nursery. It was in this place that I began to map out the Spirit World terrain and learn to approach the Spirit World(s) with curiosity and reverence.

Along the way, I’ve come to understand a few things about Shamanic journeying:

  1. We all can journey.

  2. Your clair-senses, or the way in which you receive information from the Spirit World or in the trance state, will develop as you attune to them.

  3. Every part of your journey is significant. There isn’t an aspect of it that is too small or unimportant.

  4. When you get stuck, look for another way. If you are still stuck, journey to the resistance.

  5. No two journeys are the same.

  6. Learning to interpret or make meaning of your journey or understanding how the information from the Spirit World applies to ordinary reality takes time. It may not always make sense in the moment or in this season of your life. Look for synchronicities.

  7. This work nourishes your Earth-Soul. This is the part of you seeking connection to the Sacred, to the Earth, to Spirit and to your Soul.  


I invite you to use my gifted 15-minute drumming track to practice journeying. If you are very new to journeying, and you have not retrieved a power animal, guardian spirit or helping spirit, you may find it beneficial to begin with the guided Power Animal Retrieval journey.

In the Autumn, I will be facilitating two in-person opportunities to learn to journey. You can explore more about these workshops and register here.

For continued soulful discussions, you can reach me here.

As always, thank you for your kind attention.

Until next time, happy journeying.


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Learning to Journey Heather Gazley