Carefully gathered
healing tools just for you.
Whether you’re on this path for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, I’m honoured to share these gifts with you.
Drumming Track
Whether you are new to journeying or are a seasoned traveller in the Spirit World, this drumming track is my gift for you to use at home to practice connecting with Spirit and Spirit Helpers.
In Shamanism, drums are used in ceremonies, rituals, and healing work by the Shaman. The monotonous drumbeat engages the conscious mind just enough that the soul can transcend ordinary reality and step into non-ordinary reality – also known as the Spirit World. The drumming track features a single drum created by Shamans in Denmark and named by the creators Faery Drum.
This, my second drum, helped me map out the Spirit World terrain. I have a deep relationship with this drum and experience the soul of the drum as a living being. I hope this track supports you in finding answers in non-ordinary reality to some of your soulful queries.
I ask that you use this track with deep reverence for the practice of Shamanic journeying. My most important request is that you use this track with clear intention and in a sacred space. Use it to journey to the Spirit World, seek answers, connect with Spirit Allies or Guides, or to connect with your Power Animal.
Your relationship with the drum and the Spirit World will deepen each time you journey. Be sure to use this track at a time when you are not driving, cycling, or operating machinery. This track is best suited for conscious journey work and unsuitable for background sounds or to support sleep.
Shamanic journeying is exploratory and experiential. Remember, if your intention is clear and sacred space is held, you cannot do it wrong.
As always, thank you for your kind attention.
Happy journeying.
Power Animal Retrieval Journey
Shamans believe illness to be a result of either energetic intrusion, soul loss, or power loss. When illness or dis-ease is caused by power loss, traditional Shamans seek to restore an individual’s power by reconnecting them with their Power Animal. In using the term traditional Shaman, I am referring to those trained within traditional Indigenous groups by an Indigenous Shaman, Healer, or Medicine Healer. Contemporary Shamans, sometimes called Neo-Shamans, use similar methods to restore power and have been called to The Shaman’s Path with or without connection to a Traditional Shaman.
In some lineages, a Power Animal is known as a Guardian Spirit. A Power Animal is a benevolent, helping spirit that lends you power and protects you from intrusion. Some lineages believe that an individual may have one or two Power Animals or Guardians from birth. Others believe a Power Animal will present for a specific reason or season of your life to help you navigate the terrain before you (or behind you). Every Power Animal has medicine for you. Study the characteristics of your Power Animal – their medicine will reveal itself to you.
Cultivating a relationship with your Power Animal or Guardian Spirit is an exceptionally important part of walking The Shaman’s Path. My gift to you is this guided journey into the Lower World to meet or reconnect with your Power Animal. You do not need to have any prior experience to use this journey. Open sacred space and set your intention to meet your Power Animal for the first, second or…x time. I welcome you to use this journey again and again to deepen your relationship with your Power Animal.
You can connect with me here to share your journeys with me.
As always, thank you for lending me your kind attention.
Until next time. Happy journeying.
Anchor Spot Guided Meditation
I have shared a guided meditation to help you develop an Anchor Spot. Your Anchor Spot is a place in Nature that you can call forth with all of your senses. This place acts as a portal or liminal space between this mundane reality and the Spirit World. This is a place where you can shift from your current reality and into connection with Spirit.
Crone Guided Meditation
The time of year around Winter Solstice through to the end of Yule and into the New Year is ruled by The Crone. She is the third face of the Goddess — Maiden, Mother, Crone. The Crone is known by so many names: Lady Death, Grandmother, Wise Woman. She brings us wisdom, deep knowing, and remembrance of the relationship between life, death, and rebirth. She is the ultimate expression of the divine feminine, and her wisdom comes through at times as bitter as the cold depths of winter and as soft as freshly fallen snow. She is magic and mystery.
More free Shamanic resources coming soon.
Looking to dive
a bit deeper?
Read all about what Heather’s exploring over on the blog, Shaman’s Thoughts.