Why I journey
Hello to my return journeyers. A warm welcome to my semi-constant journeyers. And, a very special welcome to my new journeyers.
I am so glad you’re here.
Kriket always said that Spirit (Creator, Source, God, The Divine) would bend over backwards to support you when journeying to help or bring healing to someone else. I understand more now that part of what she was teaching was the concept that Spirit will support journeyers when their heart – the place of their personal Spirit or Soul – is filled with the right intention when journeying.
In the beginning, I began journeying to understand more about Spirit. I could feel something awakening within me. The sensation was a mix of deep longing and this intense magnetic pull — a feeling of more just over there, out of reach. There seemed to be a sensation of opening towards. My experience may not be unlike yours, where I was shut off from the spiritual aspects of myself for as long as I could remember. Many wisdom traditions speak about the four aspects of Self: Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. These aspects of Self are fundamental, and to feel aligned with your Self, it is important to tend to each aspect regularly and in a good way.
It is my experience that many of us walk around in this life shut down to or shut off from the Spiritual aspect of the Self.
Some people, like myself, experience this as walking through life in a somnambulist state – sleepwalking or disconnected in some way from the true knowing of who and what you are.
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a sweat lodge ceremony facilitated by a Nehiyaw (Cree) Elder. One piece of wisdom that was shared by one of the facilitators that spoke to the aspect of my Spiritual Self and to my Soul was the statement: “We are all Spirits on a human journey.”
I believe this to be true.
We come into this world from the sacred and into the mundane to live in a human body. Somehow, many of us forget or fall into a state of sleep-walking through life and disconnect from the very nature of our sacredness. Through our life experiences and trauma, we forget that we are Spirits on a human journey.
Journeying, the practice of entering an altered state of consciousness or trance state, is a practice that can be learned to remember your sacredness. Journeying is a practice of connecting with wider fields of existence – or, in my worldview – Spirit.
You may find yourself in a place as I was – uncomfortable or unfamiliar with words like Spirit. Discomfort is a valuable sensation that can provide a good amount of insight if you can sit with it and through it.
I journey for so many reasons.
Over the years, I have learned to lean into my journeying practice when I need my own healing work, or I begin to feel disconnected from a greater purpose, belonging, or a sense of wholeness.
Often, I am asked, “Heather, where do I start?” My answer is that for every person, the entry point is different.
A good place to begin is to journey for your Self. Ask to receive healing. Ask for guidance on your path. The over-culture of the West seems to swing between overbearing self-focus and, at the same time, a negative rhetoric of "don’t be too selfish."
Journeying for your Self to experience a connection to your Soul or Spirit is one of the most beneficial things you can do. Your personal work is deeply impactful for those you hold relationship with personally and for the greater balance of all the interconnected beings of this Earth.
Sometimes, I chuckle when I read these blogs back. Heather, from ten years ago, didn’t and couldn’t see with her spiritual eyes.
Perhaps you’re like me, and you need to journey to see with your spiritual eyes.
This practice is very much about connection.
Connection to the sacred.
Connection between the mind, body, and soul.
Connection to our own Nature.
Connection with Earth and Spirit.
I hope you have found something in this space that has enlivened your soul. I hope you close this page, put in your earbuds, listen to my drumming track and journey for your reasons.
I’ll be journeying, too.
As always, thank you for your kind attention.
Until we meet again in this time, this place, this space, happy journeying.
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Why I journey