Self-Healing & Journeying
Hello to my return journeyers. A warm welcome to my semi-constant journeyers. And, a very special welcome to my new journeyers.
I am so glad you’re here.
For those of you who are new to The Shaman’s Path, my name is Heather Gazley. I have been exploring Shamanism for self-healing and supporting others in their own healing work for several years as a yoga teacher, Registered Acupuncturist, and Contemporary Shamanic Practitioner. I do consider myself to be relatively new to this path – particularly because Shamanic wisdom traditions have been practiced globally since the beginning of humanity.
I currently practice in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada, as a Contemporary Shamanic Practitioner. I prefer this term as I feel it delineates that I am not personally descended from or trained by an Indigenous Shaman but rather have been initiated onto this path through my own meanderings on the path of life. My relationship with Shamanism is deeply personal and has involved dedicated self-study after the passing of my Shamanic teacher, Kriket.
Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path known to humanity. Although this ancient spiritual path has been disrupted and suppressed by different conquering groups, Shamanism has survived all attempts to be snuffed out. This piece of information is particularly resonant for me and even more so at this time of the year when, in the deepest part of winter, it feels that my own light could be snuffed out. It is vital to remember that deep in the frozen earth lies dormant much potential. Such is true for your own healing work.
Shamanism is all about relationships. It is an exploratory and experiential practice that supports you in living in relationship with your Self, others, Nature, the Earth, and Spirit.
Where I live, we are entering a deep freeze, where temperatures drop below -30 degrees Celsius for days on end, and those who live here begin to wonder if it will ever become warm again. This is an invaluable time to turn towards Shamanic practice. You may feel, as I have found myself feeling, at this time of year, a sense of disconnect, questioning of purpose, and questioning of the meaning of life. The whirr of the holiday season – whatever traditions or cultural celebration you partake in – has largely passed, and at times, it feels that we are left with just the deep cold and darkness of this time of year.
Journeying is one practice that can support you right now.
A place to start is to journey to the Upper World to meet with your spiritual teacher. In Shamanic Cosmology, the Spirit World is generally divided into three worlds: Upper World, Middle World, and Lower World. Cosmology is a term that refers to how we understand the universe – in this case, the aspect of existence that is unseen or part of ordinarily hidden reality.
If you’re new to journeying, it can be helpful to begin in an Anchor Spot. An Anchor Spot is a place in nature that you have a deep relationship with. This place becomes a threshold place that you can visualize, like a doorway between this ordinary reality and the Spirit World. I recommend that newer journeyers begin and end their journeys here.
If you’re journeying to the Upper World to meet with your teacher, be sure to sustain a clear intention around what information you are seeking. Are you seeking clarity on your life path? Is there a decision in your near future that you’re looking for direction or reassurance? To enter the Upper World, it is common for journeyers to visualize travelling upwards. This may involve climbing up the branches of the World Tree (Yggdrasil). Journeyers have shared with me that they ascend mountainous paths into the clouds, transform into dust and are swept up by the wind or step into sacred fire and ascend through the smoke. Any way that you enter the Upper World (be it surprising or mundane) is appropriate. This is a good time to remind you that you cannot do it wrong. And no detail while journeying is insignificant.
You may choose to journey to an ancestor, which you might also find in the Upper World. This can be particularly valuable if you are seeking healing that you feel may originate within your family line. Request to meet with an ancestor who can share with you an understanding of this ailment and point you in the direction of healing.
If deep work is calling to you, you might choose to journey deep into the Earth into the Lower World and ask to see what mistruths you have planted within yourself. In the Lower World, you may find a Power Animal willing to support you in your healing work. The Lower World is also the place to ask questions about what is blocking you or holding you back – this is where you can learn to explore your own Shadow. You may journey to the Lower World to heal the perception you have of yourself. Ask to see yourself as Spirit sees you. Or, enter into the Lower World, and when you find yourself in a cave with a pool of water, be sure to peer into the water and see yourself.
When journeying, it’s important to remember that we may only see or gain access to part of the information. This is part of the challenge of accessing different aspects of consciousness. The wisdom that arises during one journey can be just a thread that you must weave in the coming months into the greater tapestry of your life.
In one of my earlier blogs, Learning to Journey, I shared some tips and tricks to get started.
There are also many journeys that you can choose to explore using the gifted drumming track I’ve created for you.
On Saturday, February 24, I am facilitating a unique Shamanic journeying workshop that is open to all experience levels.
Shamanic journeying is a practice that you can develop to bring about a greater sense of wholeness. Journeying is a soul-healing practice.
If you feel called to journey with me, I invite you to sign up for the workshop on February 24, 2024.
As always, thank you for your kind attention.
Until we meet again in this time, this place, this space, happy journeying.
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